A critical component to our club is the unbelievably talented cheer squads who not only support our teams on game day but also compete on their own at local cheer competitions. We are a recreational cheer program geared towards instruction and mastery of cheerleading skills to include motions, jumps, basic stunting as well as the overall health and fitness goals associated with any other sports programs. Many of our cheerleaders play other sports as well as cheer.
As in football, the cheer preseason begins the first week of August and goes until school starts. Cheerleaders can expect to practice four nights a week while they learn the foundational skills and cheers for the season. Once school begins practices reduces down to about two per week. Each Saturday, our squads cheer at one of our home football games at Wakefield HS. Once the playoffs begin, we will travel on the road to support our teams wherever they are playing. Depending upon the interest, squads will then have the opportunity to participate in local cheer competitions.
The size of our squads depends upon the level of interest but we usually field about three squads broken up by grade. Coaches are always needed and no experience is necessary!